Hey guys are iheart shades and today we're gonna show you how to tell if a lens is polarized or not um let's sayyou find a lens and it's not clearly umlabeled as polarized or not you're notsure you need a couple things you'regoing to need an LCD screen your phoneyour TV computer screen anything thathas actual pixels in it and you're goingto need of course your polarized lens umlet me show you with these today we'regonna be using the the twenty one thirtytwo new Wayfarers a sixty fifty twoswhich is here on the left and the sixtyfifty two five eight which is thepolarized is here on the right um yeahlet's get to it here I'm going to use myphone as the LCD now we're going tostart with the polarized so I'll showyou what it does and what it doesn't dookay you know I got a text message seethis is why you can't use phone so fluthings like this one second guys alrighthere we go here's a picture of of coursea Ray Ban picture so what you want to dois when you want to grab the lens andput it over the image and you want tomake sure you can see straight throughit and you want to rotate it now look atthe image how it changes colors seeright there it's really light and when Irotate it back it gets darker andthere's going to be a point where it'sgoing to be darker than the rest becausethese are polarized at an angle so abouthere is the darkest point and that's howyou tell they're polarized now let meshow you what happens when I use thenormal standard ones put it over and yourotate it and it does absolutely nothinglet's try it again polarized so you guyshave a you can see the colors changingand refracting and doing all thesethings thank you guys for watchingthat's basically how you can tell thisis pretty straightforwardand you can find these guys in thedescription below and find many morelenses on our website I heart shadescomm have a great day guys.